(269) 342-RIDE     Toll-Free 1-877-951-POOL

What is KMetroRide?
Kalamazoo Metro Ridesharing (KMetroRide) is a free community ridesharing program.  We provide carpooling and vanpooling matching assistance as well as information on using Kalamazoo Metro Transit and bicycling around the Kalamazoo area.  We do not sell, share, or trade the information you provide us.

How is KMetroRide funded?
The program is provided through the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), and we are part of a statewide ridesharing program that provides carpool, vanpool, and other commuting options to communities throughout Michigan.  Check out where other offices are located.  We receive Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) funds to provide the services.  The funds are part of a multi-faceted approach to improving air quality in Southwest Michigan.  Staff for the program operates through Metro, the public transportation provider in Kalamazoo County.  Our office is located at 530 North Rose Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan  49007.

What are your services?
We provide the following services free of charge:

Carpool and Vanpool Matching.  Signing up with www.KMetroRide.com allows you to find others to share the ride with.  You can see who in your community has similar driving patterns and commute together.  It doesn't have to be five days a week.  Even one or two days makes a difference to your cost of driving as well as the air quality in your community.

Employer Assistance to Employees.  Keeping employees can be difficult if they don't have transportation to work.  Let us help form carpools and vanpools within your company.  Marketing materials, matching, and meetings are free of charge.  We provide information on transit and bike commuting as well around Kalamazoo County.

Transit Information.  Riding the bus to and from work can save money!  We have information on bus routes traveling throughout the Kalamazoo area and can even help you learn to ride the bus.  More information on Metro bus services is available at www.KMetro.com.

Please contact us at (269) 342-7433 or toll-free at 1-877-951-7665 or email us for more information.